Friday, 23 June 2017

I don't know where to begin?!

My garden allotment is giving me such pleasure. Every day i head outside to have a nosey and check on my growing plants. I must check my courgettes like 3 times a day to see if they have grown. I don't know what i expect to see?! a marrow? hahaha.

I said in the title of this post that i do not know where to begin and this is very true. I am not so good at organising my thoughts really. So this is why yet again ( so sorry ) i have not posted when i said i would because i don't know what to write about first, plus with being back at work and then coming home to be mummy again it has been hard to have any time to myself really.

Do i group some things together and write down my successes and problems? or do individual posts?. This is what i will be thinking about today, in hope that later on today or by the end of the weekend i will have something uploaded.

One thing i must say though is how much i have loved growing each and everyone of my plants, whether it is fruit or vegetable. Growing you're own is the most rewarding and satisfying project and hobby you can have i think, i can say this with such confidence because i have so many hobbies on the go haha. And although this is my first year i think i will be getting quite a lot from my garden allotment and i don't mind if some things do not work because this year is about learning and preparation. I do have big plans for my garden but due to lack of funds and to be honest time, i have to do things in steps and hope that i have time and money to complete what i have my heart and mind set on.

So i will leave that as it is for now and i will work on my next post :)

So excited to finally share my little journey with you all. 

Speak to you soon and thank you for visiting me xxxx

Friday, 2 June 2017

Long time no speak..

So when i last made a proper post i said how i was going to do a budget and try and live frugally through April but something happened at the end of march beginning of april in my life which was very stressful and i lost all will when it came to the whole savings thing.

Since then lots has happened and i can not wait to share it with you all.

Firstly i joined slimming world again. I had no idea you could it as a vegan but you can! So i will be making a post about that if any of you are thinking of joining, so keep an eye out for that.

Also, my veggie garden is now becoming very productive and its becoming rather colourful so i will do a post on what im growing and any troubles i have had along my short journey. So i have not completley given up on living the frugal dream :).

I am so excited to share it all with you. so over the next few days look out for that post. 

Welcome to my new readers, i love having you here. I hope you enjoy the content. 

I don't have the most exciting life but what i have i enjoy and i am grateful for and more than anything i love sharing it with you all.

I have not forgotten the recipes too, i just needed to take that time off and now i am back :).

speak to you very soon xxxxx