Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Post op update

So it has been just a day over 3 weeks since i had my Appendix out and i was healing very slowly at first. That first week i had my operation i honestly thought i was never going to heal, but since then its been quick-ish.

The one thing you are told is take it easy and do not over do it. That i think has been the hardest part. When you have had the operation and you can feel the pain of not only your insides but your wounds also, it really is easy to take it easy because you know 100% what your boundaries are because if you move into a certain position, it hurts straight away so you know that it's too much.

However, when you have started healing some more and moving around becomes easier then that is when you tend to do too much and forget that just because you can see your wounds are healing well, it does not mean that your insides have healed.

It tends the be the little things that you do such as, getting something from the cupboard, bending down to put a wash on, walking too quickly to catch your bus and even hanging washing on the line.
I did all these things days after coming home from the hospital and it really is hard not too, when you have a home which is yours, you need to clean it. That my friends is how a few times i have over stepped the mark with my sore insides.

I have been discharged form the nurses who changed my dressings, so i have not had dressings on for a week today. When i went on the 22nd April, the nurse said that i was healing well and she was happy to dishcharge me and then she told me i wont need dressings anymore. I looked at the nurse as if to say ''are you sure now?'' (worried face). And that walk home from the clinic with my jeans rubbing my stitches was the strangest. 

I went to see my doctor on Monday just gone to ask when i will be able to excersise again and she told me 3 months!!!!!! WHAT!!??
She went on to remind me that although it was key hole surgery it was still a major operation (which is scary to think of). The surgeons don't make it out to be anything big because they do these operations so often, but yeah it was a big op and they went through muscle and tissue and i have stitches inside me where my Appendix was and i need to be careful not to aggravate any of that so i heal properly. So that kind of sucks. 

Now i have a countdown app on my phone to alert me when i can workout again. Currently i have 61 days left. That was 3 months from the date of my operation. So i look forward to being completely healed.

I am still signed off sick, so i have still not started my new job but i will be in a couple of weeks i hope. Just do not want to over do it as there are a lot of steps and heavy lifting and stretching involved in my job role. 

My family, Darren and his mum have been so good to me whilst i've been sick and my lovely Auntie June who was asking how i was on a daily basis whilst i have been recovering. When i uploaded the post about my operation i did not go into detail with how helpful my family where as i did not want to make it longer than it already was. 

Little shout outs to my family are;

my sister hannah who came to see me every day i was in hospital bringing me supplies such as dry hair shampoo, face wipes, a bobble ( as i didnt have one when i went in), pjs and lots of other stuff. And putting up with my awful mood! So thank you so much!!

Mum who came in pretty much every day that i was in and even took Darren for a drink and cake to make sure he was ok too.

My dad and other sister (including her partner) who came in to see me looking dreadful and bought me a magazine and chocolates and my dad who took me home- very greatful.

and Ofcourse my Darren who saw me everyday whilst trying to juggle work, being home to let the dogs out and rushing to see me at visiting time. Bringing me allsorts in from my tablet so i was not bored in hospital to ice lollies when the heat was too much and just being there for me when i was sad and cried to him when that evil doctor hurt me. And his lovely mum an family for buying me flowers and asking how i am all the time.

Sorry if that was boring to my readers but it wasn't mentioned and it's important to have a lovely family that supports you and i am very greatful.

Thank you for reading my blog, it means so much to me that these words i mumble interest you and make you want to come back- or is that the cake recipe?? haha.

See you soon xxxxxx

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