Thursday, 23 April 2015

Refreshing Honey and Lemon drink

How amazing has the weather been?!

just look at this sky.

on the photos the sky looks dark but the sun was just so bright. I had to keep my eyes closed to take the photo, all in all i am pleased with them :) captured the sun lovely.

Definitely a clothes drying day for sure

so anyway back to what this post is actually about. The drink.

Honey and Lemon are both extremley good for you. I will be making a post soon to tell you all of these benefits and much more to do with these two magical ingredients.

To make this gorgeous guilt free drink you will need;

  • Your favourite glass or drinking cup
  • 1 Lemon
  • 2 tbs Honey
  • A small amount of hot water and also cold water
  •  Ice cubes (optional but highly reccomended) 
so what i did was put the Honey into the glass and then i added a small amount of hot water from a recently boiled kettle, this is just so it melts the honey down. I was using runny honey but any is fine. Then i juiced a whole lemon and added the juice to the honey, and mixed them together. I then topped the glass up with cold water and viola!!

I would 100% put ice cubes into your delicious summer drink. Have fun and use your favourite ice cubes. This is mine..

 this is my pineapple silicone ice tray from wilkinsons. I have had this for a few years now. It was a complete bargain at only 50p!! I know!! I doubt they stock them at that price anymore. 

That isn't the only bargain i have to share with you.

These jars where from Homebargains. You will never guess how much they where!? 

ok i will put you out of your misery.. but one more thing before i say the price, Please save me a couple more to purchase.

Ready? ... 69p!!! I could hardly believe it..

This drink is a healthy alternative to fizzy drinks or even alcohol. It does have sugar in but its all 100% natural. If you are concerned for your teeth then just make sure you use a good quality toothpaste with acid protection. I use sensodyne. 

I really hope you enjoy making this lovely refreshing, healthy and cheap summer drink.

Pippa and Jack have been enjoying the sun whilst i was enjoying my drink :)

Hope you have all had a wonderful day and keep smiling xxxxxx 


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